Dog Ownership

Dog Ownership

While owning a puppy or dog can be extremely rewarding, it is important to remember that dog ownership is also a huge responsibility.
As a dog owner you will be committed to providing for all the requirements of your pet – food, exercise, housing, grooming and veterinary care.

Before choosing your new pup or dog, we recomemnd that you take the time to research the breed/crossbreed before adopting, this will help with making a positive choice, appropriate for your lifestyle. The average lifespan of a dog is around 12 years, with some dogs living until 15 or even 20 years so you need to consider very carefully both your needs and the needs of the dog that comes into your life. 

There are many costs involved with dog ownership. Up front costs include vaccination, microchipping and desexing. All dogs in New South Wales must be microchipped and registered on the NSW Companion Animals Register. Other ongoing costs include food, worming, annual health checks, vet bills, training, boarding, toys, bedding and grooming.

At Ocean Paws Dog Training, we understand that making the decision to purchase a puppy or an adult dog is a big decision and there are many questions to consider such as, what breed is good for my family, what are their exercise requirements, what ongoing grooming is involved, do I buy a puppy or a rescue dog and where do I go to purchase my new dog? These are all important questions that we can help you with. So if you are struggling to answer any of the above, we can assist you through offering a consult in person or zoom consult. Enquire within.

Below Ocean Paws Dog Training have put together some quick links

Responsible dog ownership

There are a number of things you must do as a dog owner under the Companion Animal Act 1998.
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How do I register my dog?

Microchipping is the best way to ensure that you are reunited with your lost dog. Make sure you notify Council of any changes of address or ownership to keep the microchip information up to date.
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How much does it cost to register my dog?

Lifetime registration Form
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How to change the ownership?

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Registration fees

Current lifetime registration fees (valid for the dog’s lifetime) are as follows:
Registration type Current Fee
Animal not desexed $207
Desexed animal $57
Animal not desexed under 6 months of age* $57
Animal not desexed kept by recognised breeder for breeding purposes $57
Desexed animal owned by eligible pensioner** $24
Desexed animal sold by eligible pound or shelter $28.50
Working dog $0
Cat born prior to 1 July 1999 where ownership has not changed (when the Companion Animals Act 1998 came into effect) $0
Assistance animal $0
Dog in the service of the State, for example, a police dog $0
Greyhound currently registered under the Greyhound Racing Act 2009 $0

Dog off leash areas on the central coast

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